Tay & Partners

M&A: Shareholders’ Rights in Malaysia

InsiderTAPS May 2023

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M&A: Shareholders’ Rights in Malaysia

Preparing a shareholders’ agreement for a merger and acquisition (M&A) transaction requires an in-depth understanding of shareholders’ rights and powers under the laws and the relationship between the shareholders.

The relationship between the shareholders may mean that notwithstanding the majority shareholder(s) is able to pass certain resolutions, the shareholders may agree that those matters may only be passed with affirmative votes of all or certain shareholders.

The following sets out some of the shareholders’ rights and powers in respect of different levels of shareholding in a private company limited by shares in Malaysia as provided under the Companies Act 2016.

This article is authored by our partner, Ms Wong Mei Ying.
The information in this article is intended only to provide general information and does not constitute any legal opinion or professional advice. If you have any questions on M&A or shareholders’ agreement, please contact Ms Wong Mei Ying.