Our Community

As an active firm in the region, we have an impact on many local societies and economies. At Tay & Partners, we strive to make a lasting commitment to make a positive difference in these communities.
In dedicating our time and effort, we hope to do our utmost to respond to those less fortunate and certain nonprofit organisations that perform work that benefits the community. We are pleased to embrace that responsibility. This gives us the opportunity to do good and attain a sense of fulfilment that is hard to match. Our various community activities unite lawyers and staff while improving the communities we call home. We continue to grow our CSR program and the impact they have in the years to come.
Fun Day with the Kids 2018
Date: 24 November 2018
Venue: Rumah SVP Klang, Taman Melawis
At Tay & Partners, we have always believed in giving back to the society and we are dedicated to creating positive changes that improve the lives of others.
On 24 November 2018, we visited the children of Rumah SVP Klang. The day kicked off with some exciting ice breaking games and a friendly game of football with the children.
After lunch, the children had a drawing contest to explore their creativity. Prizes were given to the children whose drawings racked up the most votes.
It truly was a great pleasure to be a small part of the children’s lives.
Rumah SVP Klang is located 30, Jalan Melawis, Taman Melawis, 41100 Klang. The children’s home is managed by the National Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Conference of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang). The primary aim is to provide a nurturing and enabling environment for boys under the age of 12. We are delighted to have collaborated with the organisation on this project.
Help The Homeless 2017
Date: 24 November 2017
Venue: PitStop Community Café No. 101, Jalan Tun H.S Lee
With the goal of making a positive impact in communities in which we operate in, our people at Tay & partners are actively engaged in a series of activities to address the needs of our local communities.
On 24 November 2017, we were blessed to run our CSR project with Pit Stop Community Café, a local café whose mission are to offer warm and nourishing meals and daily essentials to anyone in the neighbourhood who needs them and assisting the marginalized communities to reintegrate into society. The cafe founder, Joycelyn Lee & Andrea Tan, said they want to give more to the community than just dishing out food.
This CSR project sees the distribution of free meals and daily essential kits. While other soup kitchens serve pre-packed food, Pit Stop serves patrons the food items that they had chosen. Patrons were also given the choice to pay and the amount they would like to contribute. It gives them a sense of dignity.
We are proud of the progress we have made this year. PitStop brought us closer to the lives in the community: the exchange of smiles and greetings has allowed us to make heart-to-heart connection within the community and that has led to the construction of meaningful relationships.
The PitStop Community Café is located at 101, Jalan Tun H.S Lee, Kuala Lumpur (near Bangkok Bank). If you would like to keep up with Pit Stop or contact them, they can be contacted at facebook.com/pitstopcafekl.
Christmas Cheers
Date: 20 December 2015
Venue: Lotus Charity Care Centre Society, Semenyih, Kajang
The lawyers, pupils and staffs of Tay & Partners came together on 20 December 2015 to bring Christmas cheers to the Lotus Charity Care Centre Society in Semenyih, Kajang, Selangor. The Care Centre housed a total of 30 toddlers and children between the age of 2 to 17 years of age and 23 old folks consisting of male and female between the ages of 42 to 80.
The Care Centre was colourfully decorated with balloons and a Christmas tree which was put up by the children with the help of lawyers and pupils. It was fully decorated with colourful lights and ornaments together with Christmas messages being written by the children. The children had a lot of fun when they printed their colourful hand palms onto a white piece of paper as a sign of unity. A clown was specially invited and entertained the children with various balloon sculptures and sing along sessions. The Care Centre was also treated to a wide spread of dishes for lunch.
Each resident of the Care Centre was presented with a personalised gift consisting of a complete set of school uniform, stationeries, t-shirts, blouses, sarongs and bermudas whereas the Care Centre receives some much needed items like a fridge, vacuum cleaner, iron + iron board, hair clipper, a stand fan and consumable sundry goods which were bought with the money collected via a donation drive organised by Tay & Partners. A carom board was also presented and some staffs brought party packs and toys to be distributed at the Care Centre. The event for the day ended with a carolling session by all those who were present.
Back to School Programme & Chinese New Year Celebration 2014
Date: 25 January 2014
Venue: SJKC Ming Tee, Tiram Baru, Tanjong Karang, Selangor
Tay & Partners has once again joined hands with Project Made and sponsored to the Back to School Programme at the SJKC Ming Tee in Tanjong Karang.
On 25 January 2014, a team of 21 staffs and their families from Tay & Partners brought together with them back to school items for 50 poor students of SJKC Ming Tee. Each student was given a set of school uniform, a bag, a pair of shoes and socks and a stationery set.
As Chinese New Year was around the corner, Tay & Partners also sponsored a festive food parcel to some poor Chinese families. The food parcel comprised of rice, meehoon, sugar, soya sauce, oyster sauce, sardines, eggs, Milo, tea, biscuits, dried mushroom, luncheon meat, Chinese sausage and mandarin oranges. The children were also given an angpow packet each.
Burmese Refugee Feeding Programme
Date: 20 April 2013
Venue: United Learning Centre
Tay & Partners recently worked together with Project MADE and sponsored the Burmese Refugee Feeding Programme at the United Learning Centre (“ULC”). Project MADE is a small NGO and a non-profit organisation whose mission is to assist the poor and underprivileged regardless of race, religion, culture or political affiliations targeting specifically, the rural and unreachable communities.
TULC was started by Myanmar refugee, Jonathan Tanhla and his wife Grace. It is a volunteer driven centre aimed at providing education to children of Burmese refugees and to prepare them for resettlement in a third country. Located behind Imbi road and the busy area of Bukit Bintang, ULC runs solely on public contribution. Currently over 100 children are attending classes at ULC.
On 20 April 2013, a team of 19 staffs and their families from Tay & Partners brought together with them food parcels to the ULC. The food parcels comprised of rice, meehoon, sugar, soya sauce, oyster sauce, sardines, eggs, Milo, tea, biscuits, fresh vegetables and fresh meats. Tay & Partners also donated much needed cooking ingredients and food to 15 single moms, milk for lactating moms and pre-loved clothes and toys to children. The event ended with a Tay & Partners sponsored lunch comprising of chicken rice and cup cakes and the children were each treated with a Tay & Partners goodie bag consisting of toothbrush and toothpaste, nutritional snacks, stationery and toys.
Sungai Lui English Carnival & Health Drive
Date: 19 May 2012
Venue: Kampung Sungai Lui, Selangor
Tay & Partners were at Kampung Sungai Lui to help out at the English and Medical camp at Sekolah Kebangssan Sungai Lui. The event was held in conjunction with Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja and was also supported by Pfizer and Nestle. Apart from our 14 strong contingent who helped conduct the English programme, Tay & Partners also made a donation to the school’s PTA.